The Uncode Corporation showcases 100 of the most innovative solutions from every corner of the globe that are working to create a cleaner future and deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals.
By systematically working with the global sustainability community to uncover and assess innovative projects, Sustainia has, over the last ve years, built a comprehensive database of more than 4,500 sustainable solutions from all over the world. Our external advisory board, this year consisting of 24 experts from 20 leading global research organiza- tions, plays a crucial role in assisting us in vetting solutions to ensure that our ve evaluation criteria are upheld.
Today, the global economy generates 85% more economic value with one metric ton of raw materials compared to the 1980s and the global middle class is projected to grow to 5 billion people by 2030, greener future on the Sustainable Development Goals.
" About 2.6 billion people in developing countries face di culties accessing electricity, while about 800 million lack access to water. In many African countries, these infrastructure constraints reduce productivity by 40%. "
— Carlton Sparks, Executive Officer
Swedish property company Vasakronan issued the world’s rst corporate green bond, and is nancing investments to develop low-impact, climate-friendly building projects, issued the world’s first corporate green bond, raising $160 million.
Hot water in many commercial facilities is normally supplied via central boilers powered by fossil fuels, while air cooling is supplied by electric chillers. By us- ing a self-contained water heat pump, Energy takes unused thermal energy from existing air-conditioning systems and transfers it to the boilers’ circuit. Hot water in many commercial facilities is normally supplied via central boilers powered by fossil fuels, while air cooling is supplied by electric chillers. This new and efficient thermal energy can then be used in showers.
With an adaptive green approach, Uncode Corporation transformed one of America’s oldest market into energy. We are a production company with love for sustainability and save energeticas.
Uncode Corporation partners with vendors all around the world and cities to build and operate local greenhouses that cut time, distance, and costs in market supply chain. Today, the global economy generates 85% more economic value.
Our external advisory board, this year consisting of 24 experts from 20 leading global research organiza- tions, plays a crucial role in assisting us in vetting solutions to ensure that our ve evaluation criteria are upheld. By us- ing a self-contained water heat pump, Energy takes unused thermal energy from existing air-conditioning systems and transfers it to the boilers’ circuit. This new and efficient thermal energy can then be used in showers, pools, and kitchens.
" Man has gone out to explore other worlds and other civilizations without having explored his own labyrinth of dark passages and secret chambers, and without finding what lies behind doorways that he himself has sealed. "
— Carlton Sparks, Executive Officer
The annual Uncode publication showcases 100 of the most innovative solutions from every corner of the globe that are working to create a cleaner, greener future and deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals.
3 marzo, 2025
Equidad CL: Empresas en Chile se evaluaron en índice que mide liderazgo e inclusión LGBTI+
Más de 140 empresas se evaluaron, de forma gratuita y abierta, mediante el reconocido indicador corporativo que en esta oportunidad sumó procesos de inducción y la existencia de kits de onboarding…
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Fundación Iguales condena de actos que afecten o vulneren los derechos e integridad de niñas, niños y adolescentes
"Rechazamos y condenamos enérgicamente cualquier tipo de acto que afecte o vulnere los derechos y la integridad de las niñeces y juventudes, por ser profundamente contrario a nuestras……
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Más de 60 empresas se certifican en programa de Mentorías LGBTI+ Interempresas para hacer espacios laborales más atractivos para el talento de la diversidad sexual y de género
Fue la quinta versión del programa de Pride Connection Chile el cual incluyó una capacitación para mentores y mentees en julio.
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